An international conference, organised by the Institut Henri Poincaré in France and the Société Mathématique de France, will be held at the Institut Henri Poincaré in Paris, during the week beginning 24 October 2011. It will bring together mathematicians and science historians, and speakers will be addressing both “communities”, with topics examined from the points of view of both history and mathematics.
The list of speakers who have confirmed their participation includes B. Belhoste, J.-B. Bost, P. Cartier, A. Chambert-Loir, J.-L. Chappey, R. Chorlay, A. Connes, L. Corry, P. Debes, H. Edwards, C. Ehrhardt, M. Emerton, J.-M. Fontaine, M. Galuzzi, J. Gray, M. Harris, C. Houzel, B. Malgrange, C. McLarty, P. Neumann, V. Robert, L. Schneps, J.-P. Serre, M. Singer, T. Szamuely, D. Tournès, N. Verdier.
For further information, please refer to the programme.
Scientific committee: Y. André, B. Belhoste, C. Ehrhardt, C. Houzel, L. Clozel, J.-P. Ramis.
Organising committee: X. Caruso, L. Di Vizio, B. Helffer, A. Mézard, C. Villani